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MIASA position on climate change

MIASA members are in the SADC region, with all its member associations and their related member companies residing in developing countries. MIASA recognises that its position on this crucial subject, has to be informed by various international conventions on climate change, in particular the Conference of the Parties (COP).

The legal position taken by MIASA on climate change will also be informed by the outcomes of the negotiations on global climate change at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). MIASA will further be guided by the principles, objectives and provision for dealing with global warming set out by the UNFCCC and base its actions on the following two-part objectives of the Convention:

  • Stabilising greenhouse gas concentrations (at a level which prevents dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system).
  • Ensuring that this takes place within a time frame sufficient to: allow natural ecosystems to adapt to climate change; ensure that food production is not threatened; and enable sustainable economic development.

The Convention distinguishes between:

  • developed countries and economies in transition (Annex I Parties) and
  • developing countries (Non-Annex 1 Parties).